Pumpkin spice is in the air at Mayfield High School as Mayfield students prepare for the end of the first quarter. The leaves are changing colors and the weather is getting colder, and many students are excited for the change. According to a survey, 60% of students think fall is the best season, and another 20% think it’s the second best. A majority of students are excited for the season! “I think autumn’s the best season. The weather, the vibes, all of it–you can’t beat it,” stated MHS Senior Ryan Nemeth when questioned about his opinions on the season.
Mentioned by a majority of the students, many can’t wait for the food! “While I think pumpkin foods are overrated, the fresh apples and apple-related products are just the best this time of year,” stated MHS sophomore Hannah Thompson. “Apple pie, apple cider, it’s all amazing right now.” Another perk of Autumn is Halloween, which had an approval rating of 7.6/10 from surveyed students. A majority of them planned on dressing up for Halloween, and one even planned on doing an all-out costume, but that’s going to be a surprise!
Carving pumpkins is the activity most brought up when questioned about Autumn/Halloween festivities. Of 6 people interviewed, 5 planned on carving pumpkins at some point this month. Carving pumpkins is a tradition that many people hold close, and a lot of people also enjoy making them into contests to be judged by friends and family!