Local singer, songwriter seeks to make it big

Tindel performing one of her original songs at The Agora.
May 23, 2016
Arielle Tindel has been involved with music since she was 6 years old and now writes and performs her own songs.
Tindel’s writing process of her songs can take anywhere from 20 minutes to a few weeks but it is something she loves to do. She said, “It’s sort of something that’s always come naturally to me. Sometimes the lyrics come first, other times the melody. Usually I write about what I’m feeling or what’s going on around me.”
Tindel is hoping to release new music at the end of the month and has a few shows coming up. Recently, she has played at venues like The Grog Shop, The Foundry Concert Club and The Agora Theatre and Ballroom.
High school senior Jordan Parks has been friends with Tindel for five years and has seen her grow throughout her career. Parks said, “Arielle’s music is very different from a lot of the stuff that’s out there. She has a very deep personality and she definitely conveys that in her music.”
Tindel plans to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston and said, “I’ve done summer programs at Berklee, and both times I grew immensely as a performer, writer, and overall artist. Those programs were only a few weeks, so I am extremely excited to see what I can accomplish and how much I will grow in one year.”
Parks thinks Tindel is on track to becoming a successful musician. Parks said, “She has the passion and the talent to keep pushing her forward. She has every star quality. She is talented and gorgeous and so smart. She knows where she’s going and I think she’s gonna get there.”
Cory Bluffestone plays guitar alongside Arielle at Fairmount Temple and has been involved in music since he was 5 years old. Bluffestone said, “Her music is amazing. She is very talented and knows her goals. It’s really special because it’s just her and her guitar. I really respect that because I know that it’s not easy to do alone.
She’s very dedicated and passionate about her music. She’s committed to her goals that she has set.”
Although Tindel loves playing shows, she admitted that the process of booking gigs can be a lot of work. However she said, “It gets a little easier the longer you’re in the local music scene. People start reaching out [to you] as opposed to the other way around.”
Tindel first became involved with music when her parents signed her up for piano lessons. Since then Tindel has grown and often plays in local venues, school talent shows, benefit concerts, at the Berklee College of Music and with the contemporary youth orchestra.
Although Tindel’s family did not support her at first, they are now very proud of her accomplishments. Tindel said, “They weren’t [supportive] at first since songwriting isn’t a very well known or traditional career, but now everyone’s on board.”
Tindel first performed a show of original material last year at a wheatgrass factory in Akron. Her first show in a more local venue was March of 2015 at Roc Bar in the flats.