Opinion: Media corruption an issue, must be fixed
October 10, 2017
In a world dominated by mass media, it’s unfortunate that you have to be weary of what to believe.
I realize that the media has made it unacceptable to even imagine saying this, but Donald Trump is right for once.
Mainstream media has become an opinionated system of hostility and manipulation, fueled by the desire to sway public opinion.
What was once an honest medium, focused on providing the absolute truth of current events, has become nothing more than unintelligible yelling and name-calling, blurring the line between credible sources of news, and what would be the equivalent of neurotic ramblings of a mental patient, rocking in a fetal position mumbling a myriad of familiar phrases– “MAGA, DACA, GOP, Antifa, etc”– until something else comes along to distract them for a short while.
Junior Kristyn Wagner, who closely follows numerous news outlets, said, “I have basically given up on paying attention to the media because its credibility has decreased significantly, especially since Trump became president.”
In fact, Journalism.org, a site ran by the Pew Research Center for Journalism and Media, provides this statement: “Few have a lot of confidence in the information they get from professional outlets.”
It’s ironic that these organizations, created for the sole purpose of informing, seem to be the least informed out of everyone. I mean, we can all see why the president getting two scoops of ice cream or glancing up at the sun can distract news agencies from ignoring the fundamental flaws in their systems, right?
I mean, God forbid the apocalypse takes place during Trump’s term, or we probably wouldn’t even find out until a news agency finds a way to blame him for it.
But I digress.
Besides, it seems mainstream media already did a number on us anyway. The only thing people ever discuss is Trump’s latest goof, or how he’s an evil devil worshipper who eats our children and should rot in hell for eternity.
There’s a term for what has become of the news industry: Yellow Journalism. And, until now, it had been confined to the checkout lanes of grocery stores. That’s right, your supposedly credible news sources are no better than those sensationalist tabloid magazines you glance at and chuckle over as your food is being rung out.
Every time you read about the government’s latest exploits, you’re getting a taste of what journalism has evolved– scratch that– devolved into. It’s nothing more than bait, meant to draw in attention from the disgruntled public, angry at the current state of the world.
Ronald Suchy, teacher of Information Technology and Programming at Mayfield High School, who advocates the importance of media credibility, said, “I think the media blows anything with sensationalism to it way out of proportion, interjecting way too much of an editorial slant“.
It appears as though journalists have forgotten the actual difference between fact and opinion, making an article meant to be factual, appear just as opinionated as this article–which I wrote with very opinionated intent.
Don’t get me wrong, Donald Trump definitely needs a reality check, but does this mean media should be able to use that as a crutch, just because of their own personal spite? Well, they sure think so.
Unfortunately, we feed the media with our attention. That’s how it succeeds. No matter what the reason, our society is partly controlled by hysterics and drama, and they know that.
Let’s take a look at an article headline from Newsweek.com: “TRUMP VS. MAINSTREAM MEDIA: MSNBC, CNN MAKE MILLIONS OFF PRESIDENT.” It almost seems as if media outlets have made Trump into their own brand, nothing more than a new source of income.
All in all, integrity no longer exists in the journalistic world. It is treated just as any other colossal business, filled to the brim with corruption and ill intentions. This is unfortunate, but as the individuals who keep the media industry thriving, it is up to us to demand the change.