Marching band provides social advantage to students
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When the band takes the field on Friday nights, they make more than music. According to band members, they make friends too.
November 30, 2017
The Mayfield High School Marching Band, along with bands in general, benefits students socially in and out of school.
Assistant band director Brian Fancher said it’s all about relationships. “A lot of it really is about relationships, and getting to know things from one another,” he said. “The more you’re able to break down those barriers, the better connection you can have with the students, and the students can have with me, and then that just enables so much more in terms of teaching.”
Fancher believes social connections happen within the classroom with the teacher and students, which is very good, and is an aid in teaching.
The atmosphere in the classroom is important to a student’s learning, too. Fancher said, “I like to keep things moving. It’s really about making sure something’s happening all the time, but I try to keep things light and fun.”
Being apart of such a big group exposes students to a wide variety of students from every grade. Fancher said, “One of the things about marching band is how visible it is both within the school and in the community; people come and see us all the time. And obviously comradery and making friends. I know even from my personal experience was coming in as a freshman and then by that first day of school, I already knew the building and I already had friends who were sophomores, juniors, and seniors.”
Fancher said, “Even if somebody’s having a bad day or something, there’s always more to the story in everybody’s life. The more you get to know what that story is, the more enriching experience it is for everyone.” Getting to know fellow members of a large group is important, and can introduce others to one another.
Fancher said, “Playing kind of forces interaction to occur, having a healthy structure of student leadership really just ties everything together.” A good relationship between everyone helps not only one’s own social life, but it helps the quality of the group as a whole performance.
The marching band has student squad leaders in each section. Since there are so many kids, instead of just one section leader, they have several.
Trevor Cowgill, a junior member of marching band, is a squad leader of the trumpet section. Cowgill said, “There are plenty of friendships that have developed from marching band. I’ve managed to keep most of the friends I have made in there throughout the years I have been apart of it.”
Not only does marching band provide traveling to different schools, but it also provides long lasting friendships.