Sophomore student council hosts Stockings for Soldiers
Photograph by Sgt. Chris Harper, Army official
Soldiers holding stockings full of items donated by organizations like Stockings for Soldiers.
November 30, 2017
The sophomore student council is giving back to veterans near and far.
Stocking for Soldiers is a campaign created with the intent of giving soldiers goodies such as deodorant, toothpaste, and playing during the holiday months to show appreciation for all they do.
Lacy Long-Goldberg is the sophomore student council advisor and was more than happy to take on the task of running the campaign. She said, “Mr. [Jeff] Legan emailed the various club advisors about Stockings for Soldiers and right away I saw it and sent a Remind message to [club president] Bobby Zajec and asked if he were interested…He said he thought it was a great idea so we just jumped on it.”
Long is a three year class adviser and loves getting involved in projects like Stockings for Soldiers. “I really like being involved because of the various service projects that we get to take part in and I get to spend time with students outside of school, to get to know them better and form stronger bonds,” she said.
The program is sponsored by DeJohn Funeral Home, who reached out to Principal Legan to find willing participants.
Long is very excited about the campaign and all the good it can do. She said, “Around the holidays we all enjoy getting presents and knowing that we’re loved from our friends and family and so because the soldiers don’t have that close proximity of family it is nice to do what we can to give them those holiday feelings and support them at the same time.”
Long was inspired to take on the project because she believes it a good way to give back to those who do so much. She said, “It is an excellent chance to thank our men and women in service.”
Along with soldiers away at war, the program gives these donations to soldiers at home and various shelters.
Long has been encouraging her English classes to donate, however they are not the only ones getting involved. Other teachers have been pushing the campaign in their classes as well. Long said, “Ms. [Tina] Monastero collected in her health classes as well. The other tenth grade English teachers collect items, Ms. [Alex] Shaw and Ms. [Kerry] Rutiliano, they actually received donations too. Wildcat Focus helped put a little bit as well.”
The campaign so far has been a success. Long said, “There are probably about 10 boxes full and there are hundreds of supplies from toothpaste to socks to games and deodorant and other sort of toiletries.”
Sophomore Zoe Pece brought it upon herself to collect and donate 160 items for the campaign. She said, “I wanted to help out other people that couldn’t get the supplies that they needed.”
Pece’s involvement with the cause has made a positive impact on her. While her hefty purchase cost $115, she said, “The cost doesn’t matter to me because I was able to help as many people as I could by doing this.”
Bobby Zajec, sophomore student council president, shares Zoe’s appreciation for his involvement in the cause. He said, “It makes me feel good that us at home and in Mayfield can help make their lives a little bit easier while they are trying to preserve our country and protect us.”
Zajec agrees with Long’s opinion on the success of the event. He said, “In Mrs. [Tina] Monastero’s class we had at least over 300 items donated…Mrs. Long’s room had boxes and boxes filled with donated goods.”
He believes it is important to give back to those who do so much for us. He said, “They are serving our country so what were doing back home is helping to serve them in any way we can.”
While it may be too late to donate this year, due to the success and impact it had, one can bet this event will soon become tradition at Mayfield.