Wrestling coach plans to open new gym in Eastlake

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Quay Drawdy/Released

Dumbbell free-weights, seen here for use at the Dyess Fitness Center at Dyess Air Force Base in Texas, can be found at any gym.

Eli Harrison, Guest Writer

Career based intervention teacher and head wrestling coach Dwight Fritz has recently begun work on opening his own workout facility in Eastlake.

Fritz will open his gym in Eastlake on Vine Street near the Lake County Captains’ baseball stadium, Classic Park. It has always been a dream of Fritz to open his own gym. The goal for the gym Fritz said is, “I want to get people ready to meet their goals. Everyone has to have some fitness desire they want to be at and I will help them get to that goal.”

The PowerHouse Gym will include weight rooms, full cardio areas, stretching areas, a group fitness room, a spin room, a yoga room, full pro shop, free weights, selectorized machines, and leverage machines.

There is no age requirement for the gym, but in order to use the equipment people must be at least 12 and pass an equipment test. At twelve people can only use the machines, and when they turn 14 can work their way up to using the weights.

There is no projected time for opening yet, because of the paperwork and permits that go into opening and running a gym. But, progress is steady in the refurbishing of the once grocery store, into an elite and brand new training facility.  

There are also discount for students and teachers, Fritz said, “Not just for Mayfield. I have a service discount and a student discount.” Teachers and staff members would count as the service discount.

Senior and varsity wrestler Anthony Fornaro said, “I think it (the gym) will be pretty cool, I’m wondering how he is going to balance the sports with it, he really knows a lot about lifting so I think its a step in the right direction.” Fornaro has been coached by Fritz for four years.

Fornaro believes Fritz will be successful in opening his own gym. Fornaro said, “I think it will be successful because he will have been lifting for a long time, he’s a powerlifter. And I think once people realize that, and realize he is actually there to help train people they are going to want to go there.”

Another one of Fritz’ wrestlers Michael Milano said,“I would work out at his gym. He would be a good person to run and open a gym because he has a lot of discipline and self-control. Being in control and making sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to do is important.”

Fritz has been mainly known for his teaching role as the career-based intervention teacher, and for his coaching role at Mayfield. Fritz has led the wrestling team and freshman football team to successful seasons. Former varsity head football coach and wrestling coach for Geneva local schools, After coaching wrestling at Geneva for 11 years, Fritz moved to Mayfield. Former defensive back coach for Mayfield. Fritz is underway to open his own gym within the PowerHouse Gym franchise.

After the gym is open Fritz plans on remaining a teacher and a coach. Fritz said, “I’m planning on doing both for the next ten years. I’m going to have the gym and teach.”

Longtime friend and fellow coach David Ungrady, who has been with Fritz since both their times in Geneva, will be helping him run the gym. Ungrady will be the manager of the gym in Eastlake. He will most likely run the gym during the day while Fritz is teaching classes.