Superintendent, others agree Chromebooks worth the investment
May 24, 2018
Chromebooks are devices that the Mayfield High school has just introduced into the school’s curriculum this year. Was it worth the schools investment to get chromebooks?
Superintendent Dr. Keith Kelly believes so. He said the chromebooks have had a positive impact on learning throughout the high school and the entire district. Kelley said, “First of all I would like to say that my expectations have been exceeded. The teachers and students have used them better than I expected.”
Kelly continues,“The technology has allowed students and teachers to get deeper into the meaning of the content. They can explore more of what the content means personally, to society, what possible solutions can come, and what students can become from the learning. Chromebooks are nothing more than a tool, and the tool is only as good as the students and teachers allow it to be.”
Jarrod Mulheman, who is the assistant principal for Curriculum and Staff Development, agrees with Kelly. He said, “It feels like we have had Chromebooks forever in this high school. It’s been really great. It really has impacted the classroom and the teachers as well as the students in so many ways.”
Mulheman believes one of the best benefits of the Chromebooks is the access it gives kids. He said, “In the past you may have been using things such as Kahoot and not everyone had a device to participate, so now every student has a device to use. When a teacher may be absent you can still provide content, and students can still work on the content through Google.
“Collaboration between students back and forth on google docs sharing information and communicating has really changed the way students work,” Mulheman said. “It has enhanced the promptness of communication between teachers and students.”
Kelly has observed that students and teachers work and learning has been positively impacted. “We are seeing more collaboration between students, more students taking care of their own learning, students able to access knowledge and sources for their learning quicker, they are able to think more creatively and innovatively,” he said.
Math teacher Salvatore Grano also sees the Chromebooks as beneficial. He said, “The introduction of Chromebooks have helped the way students learn. As a teacher it has given me more ways to deliver content to students. It gives students more options to learn.”
According to Grano, Chromebooks also help kids who are shy so they can communicate with teachers. He said, “It gives [shy kids] a way to talk and express themselves.”
Grano also said, “I think it has been good because every student has one. In the past you couldn’t always guarantee that everyone had access to technology and internet when they would leave the school building. It’s been awesome setting up a google classroom. It’s definitely good. ”
Senior Yianni Sarris believes Chromebooks have improved learning spaces and opportunities. Yianni said, “The Chromebooks have allowed students to work anytime and anywhere. It makes it so much easier to communicate with teachers and other students
Sometimes Chromebooks are not used for learning, as Grano said, “At times students think they can just play on their Chromebooks instead of paying attention or doing their work in class. It could be a distraction at times.”
This year students and teachers have tried to utilize the Chromebooks the best they can, looking ahead to the future teachers hope to find new and exciting ways to engage students in learning. Mulheman said, “We are looking at new online platforms, using new tools. As we continue to use these teachers will become more comfortable and will try new websites and techniques, and can collaborate on the best ways to use them.”
Teachers and faculty also believe that the use of Chromebooks in the classroom is preparing student for after high school learning. Mulheman said, “It’s really preparing students for the future when they leave the high school.”
Staff believes Chromebooks were definitely worth the investment. Mulheman said, “Absolutely, for students to have access at all times is powerful and it helps you with life skills and technology skills.”
Grano also agrees that Chromebooks were worth the cost. Grano said, “I don’t know how much it cost to give each student a Chromebook, but the way that it has been used and the way that the students and teachers are using it I definitely think it’s worth it. ”
Looking towards the future Kelly is very excited on improving upon what was a great start using Chromebooks and other technologies in the classroom. Kelly said, “The immediate next step is to continue practicing an exploring using these tools in the classroom to better enhance students and teachers methods of teaching and learning.”
Kelly continues, “Looking beyond that we will be seeing in the future as soon as next year in fact, of students taking control of their own learning. Learning and mastering content on their own and learning independently with self paced classes. Learning at their own pace which will provide more options for students to learn the best way for them.”