Mayfield pays tribute to Stevie Grieshammer
Athletic director Keith Leffler removes the cover from the new Stevie street sign behind the school. Assistant principal Brian Linn, the swim team, and other members of the community were there for the reveal as well.
October 8, 2018
Last school year, MHS sadly lost student Stevie Grieshammer.
Last week, a dedication was made to Grieshammer in the form of a street sign, S. Grieshammer Way, located next to the baseball field behind the high school. The street sign was purchased by the 2018’s Mayfield Citizens of the Year, Dan and Jolene Greve, in order to honor Grieshammer.
Junior Emily Steffey is a member of the swim team and attended the reveal of the street sign dedication. Steffey said, “It gives off a happy vibe and a sense of who Stevie was. When I pull into the school and see it every day and I always tell myself I have to work hard for him.”
Senior Maria Regas is also a member of the swim team and was able to be at the dedication with the rest of the team . Regas said, “I believe it would bring joy to Stevie knowing that our team is closer now more than ever in light of him. He was shining bright watching the unveiling of the sign in his honor.”
Elizabeth Corpus, a senior, was at the reveal of the street sign dedication. She said, “It was very surreal but calming. It was nice to see Stevie being honored in a personal way.”
Senior and swim team member, Hayden Palmer, doesn’t want people to forget how much of an impact Grieshammer’s motivation had on the team. He said, “It’s very hard to do the workout that you have in swimming and the way that stevie would always do them, he would always be there in the water with us and he was a big impact on morale. Normally it would be like ‘oh dude not this set again’ but Stevie had a ‘come on, let’s go’ type deal so he really impacted how we would keep going. He was always uplifting and special and I don’t want anyone to ever forget that.”
Steffey was on the swim team with Grieshammer for two years and got to experience his positive impact on the team as a whole. She said, “Nothing will ever be the same. The team as a whole will always try to add aspects about him to carry on his legacy. The team is now always pushing out positivity because they were influenced by Stevie’s attitude.”
Regas was a close friend of Grieshammer’s for a very long time. She said, “The dedication made many emotions come to fruition for me. I was happy because now a part of him will be there, and we can all be reminded of that by simply looking at the sign. Yet I was also extremely distraught and sad. Being so close with someone and then seeing something like this just reminded me of how much I miss him.”
Steffey believes that dwelling on the past instead of the future is not the way to look at life. She said, “It is always okay to grieve. Later on people need to put a smile on their face and remember the good of that person. Take out all of the positive aspects and carry them with you forever. Nothing is worse than staying in the past and not looking ahead to the future.”