Juls Consolo, Alyssa Prevesk, and Katelyn Kinczel lead this year’s varsity girls basketball team. The three girls attended Media Day on Friday, Nov. 2 to discuss the upcoming season. Junior Lillie Edwards, a player on the varsity team, was the coordinator of this year’s Media Day.
As the new year approaches in a short two months, senior players begin the last season of their high school basketball career.
Head coach Ryan Looman believes the senior players’ leaving will impact the team in the following years. He said, “I think this year we have three really good seniors who are great leaders, they are great people, they played a lot so they have experience. I think naturally how they step up in the shoes of this year’s senior class is going to be big but we stress just being themselves, playing to their strengths and being good teammates.”
Senior Katelyn Kinczel is a four-year member of the varsity team and is sad yet hopeful for the future. She said, “It’s sad because I’ve been playing with these people for four years now and me and Juls [Consolo] have been playing together since third grade so it will be sad not playing with her anymore, but I think it will be fun and a good season.”
Juls Consolo, also a senior, wants nothing but the best for her team in the future. She said, “In the future years for my team, I wish for them to have success and wonderful, fun years!”
Senior Alyssa Prevesk is also a member of the girls basketball team. Most of all, Prevesk cherishes the times with her teammates as she looks forward to her final season. She said, “The thing I will miss the most about my team is the bonding that we share because we always go to dinner, have sleepovers and all that fun stuff, so I’m really gonna miss that after my season.”
As the last season approaches the seniors look back on the past years. Kinczel said, “Last year, the Kenston game was the first time that we beat Kenston since I’ve been playing in high school so that was a really cool moment and the whole atmosphere was just really fun!”
Looman wants the senior players to see their time on the basketball team as an important life experience for the future. He said, “I think that any sport is a life experience so learning how they could use this moving forward with college or careers or whatever it may be, using every opportunity that they are on the court to make an impact on this program, that’s the biggest thing.”
Prevesk also has positive advice for her teammates. She said, “Just have fun! It’s a long sport but it’s a lot of fun and no matter what your record is, just always try and have a smile on your face and just enjoy your time.”
As their last season begins, Consolo realizes that selflessness is the key to having a good team. She said, “The most important quality a team should have is unselfishness because everything we do we need each other for and working together is the biggest part of a basketball team and I think we could do really well if we were all unselfish.”
Students can show their support for the girls basketball team at their first game on Nov. 24 at Ursuline College as the seniors begin their final season.
Krista Rice, a senior, is proudly a staff member of The Paw Print. In her senior year, Krista decided to take Honors News Writing to bring back good memories...
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