Mayfield City Schools hosts gala fundraiser
The Green Tie Gala will be held at Landerhaven on Feb. 9.
February 7, 2019
On Saturday, Feb. 9, Mayfield City Schools’ annual Green Tie Gala will be held at Landerhaven.
Highland Heights resident Therese Razzante, whose son John is a senior, is the head organizer of the event. Razzante says the purpose of the Green Tie Gala is to raise funds for their programs, which enhance innovative and creative learning to support all students success in school.
Since 2016, The Green Tie Gala has raised more than $180,000 for Mayfield students, teachers, and programs.
Planning such an event takes Razzante several months. “It takes a good seven months to plan the Gala, but I’m thinking about it all year!” she said in an email interview.
Razzante said, “This event is a Wildcat Community Foundation, Friends of the Mayfield City Schools, and MCS-sponsored event. We get a lot of support from the district: wine donations from the teachers, support from DMP at the High School, and support from Excel TECC with our 3D logos. We also get support from the board office with much needed secretarial/ bookkeeping help to [superintendent] Dr. Kelly and staff helping secure donations!”
With an estimated 300 plus guests attending, Razzante admits she’ll have some challenges along the way. “My biggest challenge is gathering donations for the raffle prizes and the auction. Luckily, many of the same businesses have been donating for several years,” said Razzante.
Razzante said that some of the raffle items will include airline tickets, golfing, jewelry, and purses.
Many of the same people attend the event each year. “We generally have administrators and teachers from MCS, families, and corporate business partners who sponsor tables,” Razzante said.
There are plenty of local sponsors for the event, including the Mayfield Heights McDonald’s. Jeff Piorkowski from wrote, “Through the years, [Mayfield Heights McDonald’s owner Tony] Philiou has shown his belief in and support of the local community and school system by hiring dozens of employees who have been part of the areawide high school CEVEC program, based in Mayfield Heights.”
Piorkowski also says that Philiou believes so strongly in the program, and what it does for the community, that he will donate $20,000 to CEVEC operations at the upcoming Green Tie Gala to benefit Mayfield Schools.
For an event this big a reasonable budget may be difficult to manage. “We generally stick to $38,000 including meals, centerpieces, decorations, collateral materials, including invitations, handouts, poster boards, et cetera,” Razzante said.
While this whole production could be quite overwhelming, Razzante says she has a committee of 12-14 parent volunteers. She said, “The parent volunteers are incredible. They all help stuff invites, flyers, etc.
“They also will help set up the event and clean up after. We have about 6-8 meetings throughout the planning stages,” she said.
Razzante seems excited about the event and the expected large crowd. “Definitely attend! This event is worth every penny! It’s an evening where the community comes together to support creative and innovative learning for students throughout our school district!” said Razzante.
Athletic department secretary Denise Valentino has attended the event twice and is also attending this year. “We need to support academics and this event is perfect for doing so. It is beautifully put together and is for such a good cause, and everyone should go,” Valentino said.
Razzante says that the financial goal for the event is $75,000, but whatever happens, she’s grateful for the opportunity to have co-chaired this event for the last four years. “My passion is bringing people together for a common, wonderful mission,” she said. “Students and staff at Mayfield matter to me because my six boys, myself and my husband graduated from Mayfield, in addition to nine of my 12 siblings! My heart is with Mayfield!”