Sophomore strikes hearts of readers
Whether she’s at school or home, sophomore Sarah Carlile is always typing a story on her Chromebook.
December 8, 2019
Sophomore Sarah Carlile is a writer unafraid to write about everything from lighthearted comedy pieces to issues many would shy away from.
She has used writing as an outlet for a while now. “I started writing to release emotions and that sort of thing probably since first grade, it’s been a long time,” she said.
The Mayfield student finds writing to be her best mode of communication. She said, “To be able to sit down and think through my words and then put them down on paper is really opening and expressive for me. I enjoy being able to express myself in some way since I always feel lost and unable to.”
She also loves connecting with her readers. “One of my biggest accomplishments is when someone can look at my writing and say ‘I felt you, I felt that connection, and I felt what you were trying to say. Just having that connection is amazing,” the sophomore said.
She has never considered it as a career until more recently. Carlile said, “My first real experience with creative writing, I mean I have been writing since forever, but my first time that really got me hooked, was in seventh grade.”
It all started when she won her first writing competition in seventh grade. According to Carlile, she won first place and that was her initial sign that she could later pursue writing as a career, as she was great at expressing herself through her work.
She credits her seventh-grade writing teacher for getting her involved. “I had Ms. Alexandria Djukic who inspired me,” she said.
The author has had multiple accomplishments in writing. She said, “I’ve got a couple awards, like the popcorn bucket. Recently, I wrote a poem called ‘I Stand’, and it got selected to be a part of Kent State’s writing program called Traveling Stanzas.”
It hasn’t always been easy for her though. She said, “There have been times when I would go a week or two without writing anything and that can be a hard thing to get through but as a writer inspiration finds you and other times you have to find it.”
Carlile tries to keep it light, but she mostly writes about more tragic topics then you’d usually see. “I love angst and I love adventure. I love reading adventures, so I try my best to do that. I probably excel most in dark, angsty, and edgy writings,” she said.
Fellow sophomore Angie Ball, as well as other classmates, have taken notice of Carlile’s hard-hitting topics. Ball said, “I think the topics that she covers, like anorexia, isn’t something most people want to write about, but I think that it’s good for people to hear about it.”
Kari Beery, the creative writing teacher, has loved having Carlile in class. Beery said, “Sarah is really enthusiastic about writing. You know she has this ability to come to class really excited about trying something new.”
The veteran English teacher believes it all comes naturally to Carlile. “She can envision worlds or people in such an organic way, that you believe the characters or the situations truly exist,” Beery said.
Carlile still has some big plans for the future, including more contests. “This next competition we’re entering is called Expressions, sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic. If that ends up getting published, Cleveland Clinic holds a gala and it’ll be on display there,” she said.
Carlile plans to pursue and continue her passion through high school and beyond.
Jennifer Carlile • Dec 9, 2019 at 8:11 am
What a beautiful article …. thank u for sharing this inspiring information on Sarah.