OPINION: Men don’t belong in women’s sports
Seniors Max Rollins and Ben Bremec compete against other boys in a cross country race in the fall.
May 4, 2021
There is a very big problem in the United States, as Joe Biden is allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports, and it needs to be stopped.
There is a new Equality Act that is allowing transgender males to participate in female sports and vise versa. This is unfair for females around the United States. Frank Mir and Terry Schilling wrote in the USA TODAY, “The Equality Act would jeopardize opportunities and perhaps even safety for many female athletes. It would make the playing field more unequal than ever.”
This is beyond unfair because biologically, males are more athletic than females, which automatically gives them an unfair advantage. Andrea Jones and Clare Hepler both commented on transgender sports in a Heritage Foundation article, “Many transgender athletes are still competing in women’s sports with significantly higher levels of testosterone than that of biological women.”
Many people applaud and compliment this Equality Act, but Mir and Schilling both strongly oppose these radical and unfair measures. “And like many parents, our opposition is rooted in the care and concern we have for our daughters,” they wrote.
Males are born more athletic than females, which is a main reason why it is unfair for them to participate in female sports, even if they identify as males. Robin Vealey & Melissa Chase co-authored a book in 2016 called “Best Practice for Youth Sport” and in it they wrote, “Adult males have more overall muscle mass and less body fat than females, even in trained samples.”
One of our track runners on the boys team also agrees with Vealy and Chase’s findings. He said, “Biological men always have an advantage over biological female athletes, and that’s why you never see male combined with female sports.
“If I was a female and trained day in day out and a biological man came in and won the race without any training I would be furious… I would lose most of my dedication knowing that I would never be on top,” he said.
If this teenage boy were to identify as a transgender female and run against the women’s record holder for the 200, he would lose to her by .02 seconds. A high school student almost beating the women’s record holder should be an eye-opener to more people and show them that this Equality Act is completely a waste of competition, a terrible idea and soon will end women’s sports as a whole.
When I mentioned this to him, he said, “[Now I know] I am faster than about every single college female athlete at the HUGE division one schools!”
Everything about males competing in sports against females is wrong and unfair. If Joe Biden and the rest of the US wants equality, they need to get rid of the Equality Act because it is nothing but an inequality act.