Auxiliary team prepares for senior night

Genny Kootsouradis

Senior members of the auxiliary team practice their senior night routine after school in the auditorium.

Genny Kootsouradis, Staff Writer

Since August, the auxiliary team’s seniors have been creating and practicing their routine for tonight’s senior night at Wildcat Stadium.

Together, the band and auxiliary team will be performing a dance number and other routines during pregame and halftime at the home football game against Chardon.

The team’s new coach, Kayleigh Becker, is a Mayfield alumni and former cattete. Although she doesn’t help make the routine, she still plays a prominent role in helping the team get ready for the senior night show. She said, “The seniors needed little support throughout the process, but I have been giving feedback to the finished piece to ensure a great performance!”

In previous years, the team was run by student captains, who also choreographed all of the routines. The senior show routine also included the entire team, not just the seniors. Ever since the auxiliary team started using coaches instead of captains, the senior show routine has been performed exclusively by the team’s seniors.

Becker thinks that by having only the seniors perform the number, it enhances a sort of spotlight on them. She said, “The rest of the group takes ‘a step back’ [and] really allows senior night to be a special performance.”

Along with a few other members, senior Megan Linsky doesn’t have any previous dance experience, but she still had fun choreographing this routine with the other seniors. She said, “I was a little nervous that we wouldn’t know what to put in, [but] we used a lot of the things that we’ve used in previous routines that Becker taught us.

“We all had different ideas and different angles so it came together to be a really cool collection of all of our ideas,” Linsky said.

Senior Sarah Carlile also noticed some difficulties that came along with creating a whole routine. She said, “It was really stressful. Even though it’s only a minute and thirty seconds long, it felt like ten minutes with all of the work that we had to put in.”

Linsky has been a member of the auxiliary team since her freshman year, so she was able to experience previous seniors’ performances. Linsky said, “It was really cool watching the other seniors choreograph their senior dance because it got me excited for my senior year.”

Carlile has been a member since her sophomore year, and she said the senior show has always been one of her favorites, even when she wasn’t on the team. “Even the band seniors get to choreograph their own drill, and it’s like a coming of age,” she said.

According to Linsky, the senior team members find this game to be uniting in a way. “It’s kind of like that last thing that you get to do, just you and the senior girls, not with the coach or any of the other girls, as your last little thing before you graduate,” she said.

Becker thinks that her team has worked together well and created an amazing routine. She said, “I consider myself very lucky to have such a talented and warm group of seniors that have not only created an awesome senior number but also did it so respectfully.”

The seniors on the team are hoping that the people in the audience will enjoy their routine. Carlile said, “We got to play coach for the day, so I’m super excited. It’s going to be a great show!”