Teachers, students excited for new technology course

This is one of Mayfield’s current technology classes: computer programming with visual basic. It is neither honors nor AP, but is the best Mayfield had to offer before the new technology classes begin added to the curriculum next year.

Alex Rollins

This is one of Mayfield’s current technology classes: computer programming with visual basic. It is neither honors nor AP, but is the best Mayfield had to offer before the new technology classes begin added to the curriculum next year.

Alex Rollins, Guest Writer

Students and staff at Mayfield have high expectations and are excited for the new three year long technology course that will be coming to Mayfield in the 2016-2017 school year.

The first class will aim to develop computational thinking and give students a basic understanding of the principles of computer programming. The second class will build upon the first, integrating programming across multiple platforms, primarily using java. For the third year, students will choose to take two of three semester-long classes: artificial intelligence, cyber security, and simulation and modeling.


The courses will be part of Mayfield’s general curriculum and count for AP credit. They will be taught my math teacher Trevor McGrath.


According to a poll given to students during their math classes, many students are already interested in taking this new course. Laila Discenza, the assistant principal in charge of curriculum, instruction, and staff development, said, “60-65 students have already expressed…that this might be something they are interested in taking.”



Discenza believes that part of the excitement is due to the novelty of a new, more advanced technology class. She said “I do think they will be popular with students…anything new is usually popular.” Previously, the school only offered two computer programming classes: Visual Basic 6 and Java.


Students are not the only ones excited for the new course. McGrath is also looking forward to them and hopes that they will be popular with students. “I hope it is a lot of fun” and “technology is everywhere now…I hope a lot of people will take [the course],” he said.


McGrath is worried about his inexperience in the field, saying “I’m very excited, but I’m a little bit scared too because it is new to me, but I am going through training in January.”


According to Discenza, the class is being added to prepare students for the ever-changing world. “Things change, technology changes, the world changes, and we are always trying to prepare our students for jobs that are out there,” she said.


Some students are taking the classes because they think it will be a good experience. Sophomore Justin Chen is planning on taking the course and hopes “it will be fun, exciting, and something new.”


Some students are interested in this new technology course because they recognize that it is a growing field with a variety of opportunities, and they need experience to be competitive. Sophomore Andrew Whiteman also plans on taking the course and believes that it is necessary to compete in the advancing field of technology. He said, “Students will be interested because technology is advancing fast, and if they want to compete in the technology field in the future, they will need to learn this.”


Others plan on taking the course to figure out if it they want to go into the technology field. Whiteman said, “I am planning on taking them because I think I may have a career in [technology], and they may help me figure out if that is what I want to do for the rest of my life.”



Some students, however, are disappointed that the course was not added sooner. “It gives a certain disadvantage to older students taking the course,” said Chen. Because the course lasts three years, this year’s sophomores, juniors, and seniors will not be able to take all three parts.