Hollywood chooses a new strategy, ends up shattering records



Harrison Ford returns to the “Star Wars” series nearly 40 years after the original movie debuted in 1977. On the left is Peter Mayhew, who stars as Chewbacca in “The Force Awakens.”

Laura Rossi, Guest Writer

Adviser’s note: Congratulations to Laura on having this story nationally published on Best Of SNO!

For Star Wars fans of all ages, Hollywood has finally brought forth what audience members have been waiting years to see.

It seems that Hollywood has begun to develop a more sympathetic approach towards choosing their movies by coming out with sequels and prequels to some of history’s greatest films.

Brooks Barnes of The New York Times reveals that Hollywood producers have been “focusing on nostalgic film properties with familiar characters…that can capture the public’s imagination…before the hyper fragmentation of pop culture.”

This approach, in my opinion, is an ingenious combination of pleasing audiences while also bringing in plenty of profit.

The idea’s success can be seen in the recent string of released and to-be-released films, starting with Jurassic World, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and soon to be Finding Dory.

There is no better way to bring back feelings of comfort and reflection than recreating some of the most memorable movies or series from one’s childhoods.

“Worshippers of the older films will have every right to feel cosseted and spoiled, as random exclamations…echo through the cinema like barks of excited dogs,” movie critic Anthony Lane of The New Yorker wrote.

It seems that Hollywood has finally found the ideal balance for making money and ensuring loyal viewers, without falling to the expectations of repetitive pop culture facades.

“It was fun and exciting and felt like a Star Wars movie should,” fan Seamus Byrne told cnet.com. “I felt a release of tension that had been coiled up inside since…well, you know…”

Along with bringing smiles to the faces of fans, all of the hype and excitement about the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie surely came through when it set all new box office records.

From opening weekend alone, the movie brought in $238 million in ticket sales, adding to the total of over $500 million since its release.

To put in perspective, the highest grossing movie of all time, Avatar, brought in $85 million its opening weekend.

The Star Wars fan base is a force to be reckoned with- literally.