United Way festivities continue with ‘Senior Celebrities’
October 30, 2016
The 2016-2017 school year is seeing the return of the annual beloved United Way festivities at Mayfield High School.
United Way is a national charity, with historical roots in Cleveland, aiming to mobilize members of a community to volunteer and give to help improve the living conditions of those in need. EAch year, students come together for the cause.
Run by history and sociology teacher Christine Czikray, several charitable events are available each year for students to participate in. Earlier in the year was the Powder Puff Football game, a contest where junior and senior girls participate in a friendly game of flag football while senior captains of the boy’s varsity football team helped to coach. A friendly dodge ball tournament was also organized. As it is every year, both the Powder Puff game and dodge ball tournament were resounding successes financially.
Furthering the United Way campaign even more at Mayfield are the senior celebrities. For a week, teams of seniors choose a theme and dress up. During this, they sell various snacks and trinkets to students with all profits going to the United Way foundation.
At the end of the week, an assembly where each team is recognized is held. Each group is rallied one at a time, bringing with them their own unique entrances into the gym. The team that generated the most profit is declared the winner. The winning team of the aforementioned dodge ball tournament then plays a team of teachers at the assembly in front of the entire school.
“I believe United Way is a great way to make money for charity and have fun while doing it,” senior Trevor Cilik said. Cilik—serving as one of Czikray’s five senior helpers—also said, “We hope that all Mayfield students take part in United Way in some form within their high school career.”