New Wildcat Soul Cycle class takes off
Instructor Abigail Ferritto engages the class with bright lights and intense music. Ferritto is on the left and Cody Piunno is on the right
October 12, 2018
All students should try Soul Cycle, a new cycling class offered on Mondays in the Wildcat Sports and Fitness Center.
The class is taught by English teacher Abigail Ferritto. The 45 minute session is held from 3:30- 4:30 in the cycling room, and it includes upbeat music and bright disco lights.
Ferrito said, “I decided to start a class here because I thought a lot of the kids would like it, and I also wanted to test out my skills as a [cycling] teacher.”
From a first-hand perspective, I found the class to be engaging and challenging. The music allows you to pedal to the rhythm, while the neon lights keep the atmosphere fun.
I personally have not been able to find a workout that fit my schedule, and one that also allowed to me enjoy myself. The class is all about trying your best and giving your all, which I find to be motivational and empowering.
Senior Emily Ivanov has attended the first two cycling classes. She said, “I joined the class because I wanted to experience a new form of exercise that was fun for me and that I could enjoy once a week.”
The class incorporates various exercise on the bike, including push ups, lunges, and weights. The resistance is built up throughout the class, pushing students to keep moving forward.
Ivanov said, ”I like the class a lot because there is a lot of intense, fun music, and it’s a good way to build up my core and energy.”
There has never been a class offered like this to students before. Ferritto said, “I think the class is a really good opportunity for people to see if they enjoy cycling and is also good for athletes in cross country or swimming who are trying to get their legs in shape.”
According to Ferritto, the class is mentally beneficial because it is a fun way for students to get to know each other.
Ivanov said, “It allows me to rest my mental being for 45 minutes and reflect back on my day.
The classes cost $10 for five classes, making it affordable to most students. You don’t need to have a membership, but students do need to have a waiver signed by their parents.
Ferritto said, “The fitness center lets me teach for free, and then they just charge a small fee for the students, making it inexpensive to rent out the room.”
The fitness center is very accommodating and excited to have Mayfield students interested in cycling.
I don’t workout in groups very often, so I was nervous for my first class. Once I began to fully engage myself, I felt less stressed and more centered in my surroundings.
Ivanov said, “Others should look into trying a class because you get to move around, test out the weights. I mean, what’s not to like?”
Ferritto first found her love for cycling two years ago, after her friend took her to a class downtown. She said, “At first I never thought I would like cycling, until I went to this class.”
I had also tried cycling for the first time at Soul Cycle and found it be a great way to meditate and stay active, without taking up too much of my time and conflicting with other responsibilities. It is something I look forward to every week, and I feel better everytime I finish a class.
Ferritto said, “People should sign up because it really makes a difference when there is a group mentality, and your expertise builds as you continue to grow. And it can help those who are interested in all different kinds of fitness.”