Athletic Director embarrasses daughter
Photo by the Official Instagram page of Keith Leffler.
Keith Leffler embarrases his daughter through a social media platform. Leffler said, “Now I will say since all of this has happened, all the clothes have been properly put away.”
October 19, 2018
Typically, parents or guardians tend to embarrass their kids by striving to act “cool,” being too affectionate in public, intruding their teenagers’ love life, or interrogating their friends.
Keith Leffler, the Athletic Director, however, takes the embarrassment up a notch by agitating his daughter Gianna Leffler through posting her dirty closet on his instagram! Leffler got sick and tired of seeing her room as messy as it was so on Oct. 10 he decided to post it on a social platform to get through to her. Gianna was astonished and shocked that her father would do such a thing.
He said, “My thought was after a comment from my wife which is that I don’t understand teenage girls, the only way I would get through to them was to shame them by posting pictures of their rooms on instagram. Not only did she notice it immediately, the issue was resolved quickly. Taking pride of myself, that is the most likes I’ve had on an Instagram post.”