Men’s swim team demonstrates true connection
Kevin Morgan, Jack Milroy, and Jordan Kabb are three senior leaders on the swim team this year. All three attended Media Day on Friday, Nov. 2.
November 9, 2018
All sports teams attempt to build a strong connection with their teammates. The men’s swim team, on the other hand, has a different approach on building their relationships.
Senior Jordan Kabb is a three-year member of the team and appreciates the effort the seniors put in to getting the team connected through activities.
Kabb said, “Every year we do our sleepovers, team breakfasts at Scrambler Marie’s after Saturday practices and more secretive traditions.”
With the activities evolving throughout the seasons, other huge impacts have been made by swimmers themselves.
Kabb said, “The team has a different dynamic every year, mostly based off of the seniors.”
Senior Jack Milroy agrees the seniors help bring the team closer.
Milroy said, “My brother was the sole boys senior captain [in 2016]. Not only that, my friends told me to join them due to the fun they’ve heard about.”
The past traditions passed down help the new and old swimmers connect.
Senior Michael Carlson can thank the seniors for passing down traditions that help connect the old and new swimmers.
Carlson said, “The team grows over the years by passing on team traditions from past grades. The traditions are private and within the team but they definitely bring people out of their comfort zone. ”
The breakfast, hangouts and traditions all build up to make the team such a tight-knit group, according to Kabb.
“I think we are such a tight-knit group because every year we are suffering together and spending so much time in the same place, that we all just become good friends,” Kabb said. “It also really helps when the upperclassmen work to get to know all the newer swimmers.”
Carlson believes spending time together in the same place at least one time a day has brought the team together physically and socially.
Milroy said, “I think the fact that we go through hell everyday at practice and some of us are really good friends brings the group in as a whole.”
Practice is said to bring the team closer, but the men build stronger relationships beyond the pool.
Carlson said, “The men’s team is like a family to me. All the way from fun to trying to get through practice together.”
With all of the positivity radiating throughout the locker room and pool, Milroy thinks the men’s team has thrived in their friendship.
Kabb said, “I enjoy having such a close knit team because it definitely helps me get through the season every year. The constant encouragement and group activities is what keeps me coming to back to the team each season.”

Kevin Morgan
Name: Kevin Morgan (Kev-o)
Age: 18
City: Highland Heights
- Morgan has swam for 4 years.
- Kevin looks forward to making new friends and seeing where this season will leave him.
Favorite Professional Team: U.S. Olympic Team
- He has contributed positivity and energy throughout the team.
- Morgan predicts a 5-3 season.
- He hopes to become an even better leader than last year.
- Kevin has learned how to do a proper open turn.
- He believes the team is better at maintaining a positive energy this year.
Role: Team leader
- Hopes to be a Physical Therapist.
- If he had one superpower it would be to fly.

Jack Milroy
Name: Jack Milroy (JV Milroy)
Age: 17
City: Highland Heights
- 4 years on the team as a Varsity swimmer.
- Milroy is looking forward to the Alumni Meet.
Favorite Professional team: U.S. Olympic Team.
- Contributed laughter a helping hand to the team over the years.
- Predicted to be undefeated.
- Milroy hopes to step up and be a captain.
- Milroy believes that having Mr. Grieshammer as a coach will benefit the team.
Role: Senior, sprinter
- Hopes to be a Mechanical Engineer
- If he had a superpower it would be to fly.

Jordan Kabb
Name: Jordan Kabb
Age: 17
City: Mayfield Heights
- Kabb has been swimming for 3 years.
- He is looking forward to swimming at big meets at natatoriums like CSU and SPIRE.
Favorite Professional Team: U.S. Olympic Team (Cody Miller).
- Kabb has contributes lots of fun to the team.
- He hopes to make it to the District Meet.
- He hopes to step up by giving 100% in practice everyday.
- He learned that dedication is needed for swimming.
- Kabb believes the team is much closer this year.
Role: Backstroker
Hopes to be a Computer Engineer.
If he had a superpower, he hopes he could fly.