Peace Core prepares for blood drive

This year’s Blood Drive will be held on Dec. 7 in the Senior Commons. The American Red Cross will lead the event with help from Peace Core.
December 5, 2018
With the Blood Drive on Dec. 7, the members and officers are preparing for a successful campaign.
Tina Monastero, the adviser of the club, said the club has meetings every Monday about how the advertising should go. They try to be as artistic and creative as possible to catch the eyes of possible donors.
Monastero said, “We make announcements, we also have signs that we hang up throughout the school and the people who kindly donated last year will get an invite to donate again. We also go to homerooms and report the information to them.”
Spirit Coordinator Julianna Nicolli is helping along with her partner Maddie Sentle to grab the attention of students.
Nicolli said, “We are in charge of promoting the Blood Drive and putting up signs around the school. As a club, we voted on a theme and I am in charge of making sure all of the decorations are uniform and matching. The decorations are really important to help uplift the spirits of those who donated blood and encourage people to sign up.”
Along with the spirit coordinators, President Carli DiNardo assists in the recruiting process.
DiNardo said, “My biggest role in putting the Blood Drive together is coming up with new ideas and strategies to recruit new donors. Every year the club wants to recruit as many people and possible to donate blood.”
With the adviser and officers, the members of Peace Core also play a major role. DiNardo acknowledged the members of being the underdogs of making everything come together.
Monastero said, “The members help by having them go to homerooms, and reaching out to their friends repeatedly to see if any of them would be willing to donate.”
While preparation is important prior to the event, the members are needed hours before the Blood Drive as well.
Nicolli said, “The morning of the Blood Drive, members meet at the school as early as 5:45 to get all of the equipment and decorations set up for the day. The workers from the Red Cross set up all the equipment. Club members help prepare breakfast for the people who donate and organize coloring stations.”
The officers say they appreciate the work done by all during the event.
DiNardo said, “Their dedication to our fundraiser is what makes the day run as smoothly as possible. Without their help we would not have a successful blood drive.”
Overseeing the members, adviser and officers is the American Red Cross.
Monastero said, “The Red Cross are the ones that are holding the event each year and really help pull the event together.”
DiNardo said, “The help from the Red Cross is very significant to our drive. The provide us with a number or nurse to help during the entire day, as well as an event direct that stops in to makes sure the event is going well. The volunteers also are what makes this event a success, they help with every aspect of the drive.”
According to the officers, everyone member of Peace Core has a responsibility to help run the event, and it’s why the event is successful.
DiNardo said, “At the end of the day, once we are done with the blood drive it is a rewarding feeling to know that Peace Core made a difference in the community. Without the help of the donors, Red Cross and the members we wouldn’t be able to achieve our goal.”