Junior catches up on school work after accident

Lindsay Inmon completes make-up work after her accident.
December 14, 2018
On Aug. 18, junior Lindsay Inmon fell off a golf cart while on a camping trip at Roundup Lake Campground. The incident resulted with a small brain bleed and large concussion.
Inmon missed a month and a half of school. She said, “It was difficult because at first I couldn’t sit in the light for long so I would wear sunglasses in class but everyone was always offering to help me. I wanted to go back to school to be around all my friends and I didn’t want to miss out on anything so I was very motivated to go back.”
Marlee Snider is a friend and fellow classmate of Inmon. Snider was one of Inmon’s friends with her most of the time during her recovery.
Snider said, “Honestly she has been way better than I thought. As soon as she came back to school she’s been on top of everything and maintaining good grades. Along with her doing well her concussion has caused her only a few concentration issues.”
Sophomore Tyler Hillkirk witnessed Inmon’s fall and has tried to help her every step of the way since the accident. Hillkirk said, “She’s been taking time to catch up. She’s worked with a tutor, and she limited how much she could do when she finally came back.”
Although catching up on school is difficult for Inmon, the teachers are open to helping her in every way possible that they can.
Inmon said, “My teachers allowed me to have extra time to do all of my assignments and the counselor changed my schedule so I am only taking the most important classes. I also got more study halls so I have a break in the middle of my day to rest my brain, and I can leave school earlier so I can have time to go home and sleep so I don’t get headaches everyday.”
History teacher Ryan Looman assists Inmon in trying to spread out her work to make the year run smoothly.
Looman said, “Lindsay has done a really good job of working back to being a classmate. What is really remarkable is her ability to stay on top of what she can handle and doing the best with that.”
Classmates have also noticed Inmon’s ability to adapt back into the school environment since her return.
Snider said, “The school definitely has been supportive by making sure she understands her classes and by giving her extra time to complete projects. Me and many others have been really supportive by texting her or being with her and making sure she’s doing okay. We try to surround her with as much support as we can.”
Along with the teachers are her friends who have been there for her for anything she needs through her recovery.
Hillkirk said, “Her friends took the time to visit her and let her know she was missed. Without her friends keeping her up to date and in the loop Lindsay would not have recovered as quickly.”
Hillkirk acknowledged everyone around Inmon is pushing her to get back to 100% but her life as a whole has changed.
Snider said, “She has been trying to get back into a normal routine where she goes to school everyday and tries not to sleep as much. She also tries to be more active.”
Getting back into her old routine will allow Inmon to stay on task like she did before the incident said Looman.
Inmon said, “I’m so grateful that I was able to recover so quickly and get back to my normal everyday life without anything holding me back.”