Principal Advisory Committee helps innovate the school

Principal Advisory Committee member, Gianna Ferrante works on a list of new classes she wants to see at the school in the future.
December 20, 2018
The Principal Advisory Committee meets every few months to discuss what innovations could be made for a better high school.
Principal Jeffrey Legan brings ideas and complaints to his committee to debate possible solutions.
Legan said, “The committee itself, gives me a sense of what they want to see going on at the school. This could be from possible courses to instruction they would like to be a part of. I really think that the voice of the student is really important through my decision making.”
Senior Gianna Ferrante said she’s been happy to serve on the committee for three years. “It’s a great way to learn different ways to improve the school, and be able to get different peoples perspectives on how to do so,” she said.
The students of the committee are a variety of students Legan views at the school.
Junior Claudia Casey, a two year member, believes that it is very important that students voice their opinions in order to get a fully innovative school.
Ferrante said, “Students are the one who are learning in these spaces. It is best for them
to give their opinions on what they feel is the best way for them to learn.”
Casey also think it’s important for students to share their opinions with Legan. She said, “Students are the ones that make the school function and keep the environment going due to us being here five days out of the week.”
Through all of the time and participation presented by the members, Legan said the school has changed in many ways. “They really helped with the self-paced and cross curricular classes,” he said. “They helped with designing spaces and possible classes that could be offered in the future, [and] of course, the new spirit shop, which they designed so they have done a lot of work for the school.”
Personalizing for the students is a major aspect in the committees’ eyes.
Ferrante said, “The school is being innovated by this committee because we are trying to change things.We’re trying to really personalize learning and stray from the transitional learning strategies.”
The committee members all want to help continue this prospering in the school atmosphere.
Casey said, “The school should continue this group to continue the students views, ideas and perspectives around the school to help better our learning and school lives.”
Ferrante wants the committee to proceed because there needs to be a constant effort to improve and individualized learning for each and every student.
Legan said, “You better believe that this committee will be around for awhile.”