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The Official Newspaper of Mayfield High School

The Paw Print

The Official Newspaper of Mayfield High School

The Paw Print

The Official Newspaper of Mayfield High School

The Paw Print

Owen Kabelitz

Owen Kabelitz, Staff Writer

Owen Kabelitz is a sophomore and is starting his first year being a part of The Paw Print.

During his 8th grade year Owen started the Intro to Digital Comp course at the Middle School and enjoyed it enough to take both Digital Media Productions I and II in his freshman year. He then proceeded to take Advanced Digital Media Productions I in his sophomore year. When he heard about the option to join the Paw Print, and he proceeded to seize the opportunity out of interest.

Owen does all sorts of things, but none of them are that interesting. He has a guitar which he plays sometimes, and he takes care of his neighbor’s dog if that counts as a job. Since he joined The Paw Print, he now has that as a hobby. He isn’t sure about the future, but decides to push forward in life and be happy!

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Owen Kabelitz