Mustache competition hopes to raise money for cancer-stricken student


Kayla Hoover. Photo taken from Hoover’s official fundraising webpage


Time and time again, the Mayfield City School District has proven itself to be a family. When somebody needs help, it’s not long until both students and teachers come together to create a support system.

Kayla Hoover, a seventh grade student at the middle school, needs help.

In Nov. 2012, the doctors of Cleveland Clinic discovered a tumor at the base of Kayla’s brain. After undergoing immediate surgery following an immense uphill battle to recovery, Kayla returned home. Although she continued to have frequent MRIs and suffered post-traumatic stress, it appeared that the cancer was gone… until Nov. 2014.

The tumors returned stronger than ever – this time, in her brain and spine. Only days ago, Kayla underwent surgery and the doctors were able to remove all three of her tumors. If all goes well, she will be able to return home soon and begin radiation again.

The battle, however, is far from over.

Kayla’s journey has been not only exhausting but horribly expensive. Jennifer Radicella, Kayla’s mother, is a single mom who has taken countless unpaid days off to take care of her daughters. Kayla’s father, Bobby Hoover, has also paid his dues in support and love. But it’s not enough. Health comes at a price and the bills are astronomical.

Kayla and her family have braved the fight alone for long enough. It’s time to help––really help. For all her bravery, it’s the least anybody could do.

Luckily, an outstanding group of teachers and students have been working for weeks to organize a fundraiser. In the midst of all this misfortune, they’ve come up with a way to get Kayla’s family the money they need and have fun doing it.  You may have noticed a few teachers with more hair on their face than usual. Here’s the great unveil––it’s all for Kayla.

Mustache for Cash 2015.

In the following weeks, 12 staff members will shave their beards and leave glorious mustaches on their faces. Call it a little friendly competition with loving intent. A picture will be taken of each staff member’s mustache and placed on a donation box. Students and teachers will be able to donate money to their favorite mustache.

At the conclusion of the week, the staff member with the most money collected will be given the ultimate coveted award––The Golden Mustache. Other awards for things such as the creepiest mustache and the most creative will also be up for grabs. The greatest prize, however, will of course be the immense pleasure of knowing that all the money will go straight to Kayla and her family.

In the meantime, while the staff gets ready to compete, any donations to Kayla are welcomed and encouraged. Visit to see the progress the Hoover family has made to reach its goal of $15,000 and consider donating yourself. This isn’t charity – it’s the life of an incredibly brave and beautiful human being. Kayla is a Mayfield Wildcat, and wildcats stick together. That alone should be reason enough to give her all we can. Let’s make it happen.