Republicans hurt brand fixating on Islam


Robert Gauthier

Trump’s recent comments on banning Muslims entirely have earned great criticism for him and all of the GOP.

Thomas Grieshammer, Guest Writer

Right wing Islamophobia has many fearful of a Republican winning the general election. Muslims and moderates have been ostracized by the extremist state of the Republican Party.

According to Jonathan Weiler, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Global Studies at UNC Chapel Hill, the Republican Party has completely lost interest in retaining moderates and minorities votes based off of the right wing extremist rhetoric.

Weiler said, “Nationally, of course, the GOP has become a party of radicals, proudly wearing on its sleeve its contempt for the less well off. The GOP lambasting of Muslims and – really anybody that isn’t a rich white Christian man – has killed their demographics.”

Shoeb Rehman is a Muslim American who commented to CNN reporters after viewing the fifth Republican debate. He said, “What we’ve been hearing so far from Republicans — I have lived here 24 years and I have never experienced anything like this. It scares me for the next generation, for our children.”

People are terrified that a Republican president might actually follow through with banning an entire people based off of their religion. Not only is this quite a damaging position for the party but it also has been getting the most attention of any issue lately.

When voters compare the Democratic debates with the reality TV Show the GOP hosts, they see a campaign for the leader of the free world and a beauty pageant where the most desirable quality is bigotry.

According to Shoeb Rehman’s son, Yousuf, anyone who is either a Muslim or liberal should be enraged by the comments made at the fifth debate, which focused on foreign policy.

Yousuf said, “If you look at American history, we’ve put people in internment camps, like the Japanese during World War II. We can’t just let this hate speech go on without some kind of political backlash. Liberals need to start fighting the republican histeria by voting against conservatives.”

The hateful rhetoric and backwards policies of the Republican Party has been giving politics a bad rap for years. The general population is so frustrated by the thick-headedness of the establishment that less than a third of U.S. citizens eligible to vote participate in presidential elections. The demographics for conservatives look worse than they’ve ever been with no end in sight.